'Federal Resources, Support, and Pathways for Development and Implementation of Novel Vector Control Products' (aired 3.24.23)
'Citizen Science: Promoting Community Surveillance, Vector Research and Local Health' (aired 11.3.22)
'The World Mosquito Program in Colombia: Overview and Preliminary Results' (aired 6.8.22)
'Getting Real About Resistance: Relating Laboratory Assays to Field Interventions' (aired 5.11.22)
'Sterile Insect Technique for Aedes aegypti control in Florida: A Tale of Two Programs' (aired 2.15.22)
'The Delicate Balance between Aerial Mosquito Control Applications and a Healthy Environment' (aired 12.09.21)
'Nontarget effects of mosquito control insecticides on pollinators. Balancing the protection of public health with preserving natural diversity' (aired 4.14.21)
'Endangered Species Act (ESA) Considerations in Mosquito Control: How New Species Listings Can Affect Your Program and the Pesticide Registration and Review Process' (aired 1.12.21)
'Triatomine Vectors of the Chagas Disease Parasite: Ecology, Behavior, and Transmission at the Human-animal Interface' (aired 12.16.20)
'Mosquito Control Emergency Preparedness and Response to Natural Disasters' (aired 10.14.20)
'Jamestown Canyon Virus in Connecticut: Lessons Learned from 24 years of Surveillance and Research' (aired 9.23.20)
'VectorSurv: Geospatial Capabilities and Data Analysis Tools' (aired 7.15.20)
'VectorSurv: Data Entry and Maps' (aired 6.26.20)
'AMCA 2020 Memorial Lecturer Honoree - Lucas Terracina' (aired 5.13.20)
'Introduction to Keystone Virus Biology' (aired 4.9.20)
'Engaging the Public to Understand Mosquitoes Using the iNaturalist Social Network, App and Machine Learning Tools' (aired 12.11.19)
'Are Honey Bees Really Dying?' (aired 11.6.19)
'Wolbachia Infection for Disease Control - Opportunities and Concerns' (aired 5.23.19)
'Arbovirus Surveillance of Tomorrow' (aired 12.14.18)
'An Introduction to 3D Printing: From Idea to Reality' (aired 5.9.18)
'Rear and Release: How Wolbachia can be used to control "tiger" Aedes and the viruses they carry' (aired 4.4.18)
'Agricultural Aircraft Operations (AAO) with Unmanned Aircraft Systems' (aired 11.28.17)
'Spatial Repellents for Vector Management: How Do These Things Work?' (aired 6.13.17)
'The Shifting Landscape for Accelerating 'Speed to Market' of Globally Recommended Vector Control Products' (aired 2.27.17)
'The Potential of Oxitec's GM Mosquitoes' (aired 8.16.16)
'Operational use of adult mosquito traps for temporary removal of Dengue/Chik V/Zika vectors' (aired 4.28.16)